About Willow Downs
Willow Downs is a flourishing equine facility situated in the picturesque Darling Downs region of Queensland, one of Australia’s foremost horse breeding areas. The property boasts scenic views, gently rolling hills coated in improved pasture, and first-class horse facilities commensurate to the demands of the equine athletes that reside within.
The goal at Willow Downs is to connect the ambitious equestrian with the fundamental asset they require for success; a talented and trainable mount, the result of a meticulously constructed and administered breeding program. Our breeding aim is to produce an attractive, athletic, correctly conformed and proportioned modern sporthorse with natural freedom of movement. Importantly, as we breed many horses for recreational riders, good dispositions are required above all else. In keeping with this goal, only a small number of foals are bred each year. Youngsters are raised on improved pasture in large paddocks with the freedom to grow and develop naturally in a quiet countryside atmosphere.
The breeding of Warmblood horses is steeped in history and tradition, and we are proud to stand on the shoulders of past pioneers of sporthorse breeding. From this foundation, the Willow Downs breeding program is navigated based on forward planning over generations of horses, with the result being continued breeding progression and the development of mare lines that continue to stand the test of time. Quality breeds quality, and our mares demonstrate that point. The advancements in artificial breeding technology have allowed unprecedented global access to the most successful performance genetics in the world, and Willow Downs proudly brings these bloodlines to the equestrian community.
Stud Principal
Dr Brent Eastwell BVSc (Hons) MANZCVS
Brent Eastwell has been involved with horses his entire life. Today he fulfills many roles, as stud principal, equine veterinarian, dressage rider and coach (EA NCAS Level 1 Dressage). This broad insight, coupled with a passion and love of horses, provides the foundation from which Willow Downs has evolved. Purchasing a horse from Willow Downs offers unique advantages, because it means benefiting from this comprehensive insight into the breeding, management, nutrition, sports medicine and training of elite equine athletes.
Our Mission
To strive to produce performance horses of ever-increasing quality, of sound conformation, with exemplary temperaments, and exhibiting exceptional talent and ability.
To respect the needs of horses to ensure physical and psychological soundness.
To promote sustainable training of horses for the Olympic equestrian disciplines.
To provide a quality professional service and extensive follow up support.